E&cs Pod Of Awesomeness

Good Ol' J.R.



What's up, Hosers?! Welcome to another edition of E&C's Pod of Awesomeness.This week, the Strappers de Rocket sat down with a legend, a force, a monstrous Oklahoma Sooners fan, and one of the most respected men in the history of pro wrestling, Jim Ross.Among the many topics discussed were: What Vince McMahon expected from his wrestlers; what he himself looked for while identifying and developing talent; and, of course, his favorite matches he's ever called.OHHHHHH IT'S A GOOD ONE BROTHER BROTHER, AND IF YOU SAY OTHERWISE YOU'LL HAVE TO ANSWER TO PAUL SMACKAGE...HERE WE GO!Thanks to our sponsor, Freshly. Get $25 off your first Freshly order.We've got new shirts! Check them out HERE.