E&cs Pod Of Awesomeness

Dolph Ziggler Talks Past Gimmicks, Road Stories, and Getting Into Stand-Up Comedy



What's up, Hosers?Welcome to another edition of E&C's POD OF AWESOMENESSThis week, The Rocket Strappers spoke with a man who strapped the rocket to himself, as he's had one hell of a career in the WWE, The Showoff, Dolph Ziggler.Ziggler talked with E&C about his amateur wrestling background, his early gimmicks within WWE, and his ascent to becoming WWE Champion. He also touched on his future, told some road stories, and described what it was like the first time he got on stage to do stand-up comedy (Christian gave Dolph a great opening line to use at future shows).This was a fun episode, brother brothers. Enjoy.HERE WE GO.