What's In The Box?

Secret Cinema Presents Blade Runner and Netflix's-Jackie-Chan's-The Foreigner.



Episode 14, Secret Cinema: Blade Runner and Netflix's-Jachie-Chan's-The Foreigner.Chris talks about Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049, and more Blade Runner (IRL) and sees things you people wouldn't believe during Secret Cinema. Also in this episode Tristan talks about Jackie Chan's 'The Foreigner' and Chris impresses the world with his (nailed-on) Pierce Brosnan impression. Places more f'cked up than the planet Mongo from Flash Gordon:* The event horizon of a black hole* Paul WS Anderson's vision of hell from the film Event Horizon* That bit a Labyrinth when we realise David Bowie's part of a giant Escher painting and his codpiece starts glowing and flies towards the audience and EVERYONE'S FACES MELTTwitter: https://twitter.com/boxfreshfilmsFacey B: https://www.facebook.com/boxfreshfilms/Insta: @boxfreshfilms