Mind Revolution

On Stress & Letting Go



To say we all get stressed from time to time is a vast understatement,  especially in the modern, always-on world in which we live. We’re continuously bombarded with content, and that sometimes leads us to put undue pressure on ourselves to perform at a certain level or achieve unrealistic goals. 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress. Yes, physical symptoms. Stress can be a quiet creeper. For some of us, it slowly builds, and we don’t even realize it’s there until we’re nearly at a breaking point. Then there’s another class of stress -- the stress that comes with anxiety, anxiety about things over which we have little or no control. Anxiety is really nothing more than fear of the future, the projection of which is changing day by day if not minute by minute! Sometimes the future can be made brighter by simply shifting our focus. And when the future is brighter, your stress level decreases. In today’s episode, you’ll learn a powerful tool for dealing with negative emotions and l