Film Studies Minor

FSM Reviews: Avengers Endgame (2019)



Zachary and Colbary discuss that very popular Marvel movie that just came out and made some major cheddar this past weekend. I'm writing this episode description despite the fact I wasn't included in the recording session since I didn't see the movie in time and needed to mow my lawn. Since I wasn't involved this is probably a terrible podcast episode but I don't know since I won't listen to it for a few more days. My understanding is there are SPOILERS discussed in this episode but of course there are, what else would they talk about?  "Yeah, there are impressive effects for sure. Fans of the genre will love it" "I don't know if people who haven't seen all 68 prior films will understand everything that happens, but I loved it!" "I just find it kind of cheap that they brought back X % of the dead characters but oh well." "So are you excited for Ant Man 3?"    Website Instagram Twitter Facebook If you have a film/topic that you want to hear discussed on the podcast, submit it here. Vote in the FSM