Backstage Pass With Alford Media

The Stories and Impact Behind International Shows with Eric Hagstrom



Backstage Pass is back with another engaging episode featuring Eric Hagström, Senior Project Manager for Alford Media. Today, we chatted with Hagström about the exciting possibilities, unique challenges and best practices for putting together an international event. It is, both literally and figuratively, a new world with different rules, languages, and infrastructure when crafting a show abroad, not to mention the actual locations can be older, which could impact logistics and structure. “Transitioning from domestic to international is a distinct process. While working in the U.S., we’re all familiar with our surroundings and the rules. You can’t be hardline in how you come into a new environment. You have to respect that country’s process and go with it, not against it,” Hagström said. It's a mine field to maneuver, but one that Hagström said is always worth the investment. One of the biggest challenges an international show brings is units and values. The U.S. still uses the imperial system while almost th