Christina's Daily Inspiration- Contemplative Meditations

Day 65 ~ How To Access Inner Silence



How do we access our inner Silence?Silence is not something that is attainable and that is where I sense most who are trying to attain the silence within get derailed. Silence is already inherent in our being. It IS our being and the essence of all of life. It is as if we allow the mind to fall into this silence. We have to be willing to take our attention off of the mind and just allow ourselves to BE. BE means doing nothing, seeking nothing, just sitting or standing in Nothingness… This sounds very boring I know … but it is in the Emptiness, the nothingness that the truth of who we are is revealed. If we rest in this Nothingness, this silence for some time, IT will reveal itself. We can not be waiting, looking, anticipating, seeking though. We are passive and resting… receptive … open… available …. BEing… nothing. If we set aside time consistently for this… IT will change our lives… we will come to find a softening… a deepening, true understanding coming forth on its own without thinking necessary. Peace wi