No U-turns At The Drive-in

Master of the Flying Guillotine



Special Guest Appearance by Eric Knapp! He is Deadly! He is Unforgiving! He has his own Theme Song! He inspired most of the fighting video games you played in the 90s! He is the one and only Master of the Flying Guillotine! This Week's Topic: Intro To Martial Arts Movies 101 Other Movies Mentioned: The One Armed Boxer/ Crippled Masters/ Highlander/ The Avengers/ Batman Begins/ Kill Bill Vol. I/ Godzilla (Japanese Franchise)/ The Creature from the Black Lagoon/ Man of Steel/ Dawn of the Dead (1978)/ The Shining/ 300/ Pacific Rim/ Reservoir Dogs/ Pulp Fiction/ Inglorious Basterds See the Master in actiion right HERE! Next Week: Ong-Bak!