Earn Your Worth While Working From Home

Day With Daddy Resources



This story have greatly touched my heart.  I was listening when I head Arvin Poole speak from his heart about this organization that he started.  AS tears fell down his face Arvin Poole shared his story and why he has such a great interest in helping fathers an Empowering fathers. Strengthening family. PURPOSE Day With Daddy is a social online community that provides fathers with tools and resources necessary to plan and organize activities that are designed build stronger relationships with their children. website http://www.daywithdaddy.org. OVERVIEW Day With Daddy founded on Feb 19, 2012 and formed as a Texas not-for-profit organization February 13, 2013. We connect fathers who spend limited time with their children with resources https://www.gofundme.com/homelessdads   For contact  click here. ABOUT THE FOUNDER Day With Daddy is close to the Executive Director’s,Arvin Poole, heart and is his passion. As a divorced father, Arvin has learned first-hand that being a parent is a work in progress role t