Earn Your Worth While Working From Home




VOTE DBANG TONIGHT ON 106.5 - YOUNG ARTIST ON THE RISE staying postive even after his mother was in a coma for over 3months. Once his mother came out of the coma a couple months ago still with some recovering to do and some memory loss. Not only that DBang recently lost his older brother as well which was very devastating but DBang knew how hard his brother worked to keep him and his siblings to stay a float in a postive manner. My hands go up for this young brother DBang. Tomorrow Dbang song called Pick and Roll will be broadcast on 106.5 fm between 10pm and 12am. DBang need us to text and call 973-767-1065 for support with the contest. If you are out of State please visit www.streetz106.com Please support this young brother who is working hard to help take care of his family. GOD Bless him and his efforts we will see you at the top DBang keep your head up and keep raising for the stars. We definitely have you and your family in our prayers!!!