Security Podcast

Podcast 37 - Shmoocon, TJX, China, Netflix



Shmoocon Tickets going fast! IT Departments Biggest Source of Data Leaks, Says ResearchUK Government Accuses Chinese of IT EspionageMI5 Warns UK Businesses of China-Sponsored Cyber Attacks (December 2 & 3, 2007)Government-sponsored Cyberattacks on the Rise, McAfee Says10 Extremely Useful Websites to Stop Big Brother From Snooping on You(IN)SECURE Magazine Issue 14 Technitium FREE MAC Address Changer v4.7 - Released for DownloadResearchers reverse Netflix anonymizationQuickTime exploited by media-handling flawData Breaches Cost More Than EverTJX offers a $40.9 millionCard issuers do not get to form a class in a suitTJX's Settlement with Visa Casts Light on Murky World of PCI PenaltiesHostsGene Naftulyev, CISSPAnatoly Elberg, CISSP