Mind Revolution

Using Your Mind to Overcome Overeating



Have you noticed, like I have, that many people who have money struggles also struggle to maintain a healthy weight? When you get to the heart of the matter, we really shouldn’t be surprised. Both food and money struggles are likely the result of a scarcity mindset. “I can’t purchase what I really want because there might not be enough in the bank tomorrow.” “I’m already full, but I was taught to eat everything on my plate.” The processed food industry isn’t helping the problem of overeating. Because they want to sell us more and more of their wares, they add chemicals that make their junk taste great, downright addictive. Our brains respond by telling us to get another handful...and another and another. It might seem like a hopeless situation, but it’s not. The first step is to realize it’s not your fault. It’s not that you’re undisciplined or lazy or destined to be overweight. Somewhere along the way, you embraced the scarcity mindset -- perhaps from your parents, environmental factors, or difficult circums