Mind Revolution

From Fans to Haters & Embracing a New You



You probably never expected to have a hate club. But now that you’ve started working on yourself, started growing, changing, releasing negative energy, and being the real you...well, there are bound to be some people who aren’t thrilled about changes.  This is the not-fun part of self-growth. But it’s normal and to be expected when you’re experiencing breakthroughs, growth, and change.  The people in our sphere almost always align with us. For instance, if we have a glass-half-empty mindset, those around us are going to confirm that negative attitude. If we’re into complaining about our spouses, guess what the people we keep company with will enjoy doing? You get the idea. When we begin to change and leave our old patterns behind, our old sphere of friends are left wondering what happened to us. The old negative attitude turned sunny. Instead of participating in the gossip, we’re pushing back, defending the absent third-party. Old friends are wondering, “Who does he think he is?”  “What’s gotten into her? It’