Project Tenacity

#26 財務會計主管 <上> | Rebecca Yang | 四大會計師事務所的高中實習生



第二季的第二集請到了 Rebecca!他曾在高中時期就成功進入 PwC實習,也幫助他開啟了他成為註冊會計師 (CPA) 的職業生涯。在節目中,他大方地分享了選擇大學和選擇職業的思路,也分享了他在工作期間 PwC 的審計部門構成。究竟商科和會計學生首選的的財務審計工作的每日工作到底是什麼樣子呢?在財務審計的職業生涯中,又有什麼樣的選項呢?又應該怎麼衡量新的工作機會到底跟自己合不合適呢?這期節目對商科、會計學生和會計相關從業者會有很多的啟發。    We’ve invited Rebecca Yang, who is currently working as an External Reporting and Accounting Policy Manager at Ontario Power Generation. She started as a PwC intern as a high school student through cold-calling. She kindly shared her insights in choosing a college and career path. If you aspire to work in a Big-4 accounting firm or pursue an accounting career, you will want to listen in to this episode!
