Nion Radio With Nick Onken

161: Experimenting with Plant Medicine



"It's like if you got shot by a bullet and it got lodged in your body. Well you're not just going to leave it in there. You're going to want to excavate it." Have you ever felt totally trapped by how you react and sometimes overreact to situations? Like you're not in control and by the time you know what's happening, the damage has been done? This kind of behavior is often caused by deeply rooted trauma that can take years of therapy to overcome. But what if there was an easier way? A backdoor into your subconscious where you can work on taking care of that trauma? Today's episode of NION Radio is all about my journey with plant medicine and the power I see in it as a tool for growth, both personally and creatively. I go over my recent experience at Rhythmia in Costa Rica, the different medicines and their effects, and how creatives can benefit from these experiences. You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And please leave me a Rating and Review! "Ayahuasca is a big tool for clear
