How To Instructional Podcast On The Tech Podcast Network

PowerPress and Community Podcast: Kami Guildner from Extraordinary Women Radio – PI-149



Significant changes coming from Apple this time around. Categories are changing and that includes throwing some out, adding new ones and a bit of consolidating. Podcasters don’t need to worry, Blubrry has it all taken care of on their end. But stick around for suggestions on what to do if a new category would be in your best interest. More than that, PowerPress was updated again for this category change and some other cool features. They chat about other podcasting news, and have an extraordinary interview with Kami Guildner you don’t want to miss. Thanks for joining us on this episode of Podcast Insider.   Interview: Kami Guildner – Extraordinary Women Radio Podcasting News Apple Podcast Categories changing soon. Apple has disabled categories for now while they make the change. Angelo explains the new categories here. A partner of ours launched on Android Auto and Samsung – Audioburst Calling all Trekkies! The Official Star Trek Podcast (Yeah!) Best Practices What link should