How To Instructional Podcast On The Tech Podcast Network

PowerPress and Community Podcast: Music in Podcasting – YP61



Music in podcasting; there are many questions out there regarding the legality and capabilities, we’re here to clear that up. A knowledgable and experienced podcaster looked into who is the fastest media host in podcast and shared their findings. PowerPress 7.5 is coming soon and the original Podcast Awards are coming soon. Guest host, Barry Kantz, CFO and General Counsel for RawVoice / Blubrry.         News: Daniel J. Lewis, from the Audacity to Podcast, has done a very technical review, article and research about who is the fastest podcast media host. (Spoiler, Blubrry tied for 1st place!). Also, some very interesting facts about stats for some hosts. PowerPress 7.5 (coming soon) will support WebSub, which does instant updating of Google Podcasts and others, and Multi Blubrry hosting accounts. This is good for people that want more than one podcast feed coming from their site. The original podcast awards show: People’s Choice Podcast Awards nominations are open. Topics: Do