Touching The Trail Podcast

Episode 175- On the Importance of Functional Exercise



Throughout my journey of personal betterment I have found that a key tool is to list out what is working and what I can improve upon. This tactic led me to realize that I am have not been incorporating functional exercises, bodyweight workouts, at all into my running regimen. To improve as a runner you cannot only focus on running, you must also put in work outside of the run. Strengthening muscles throughout the entirety of your body allows you to become a more well-rounded runner that can confidently and safely tackle any challenge. Your body is a machine and you have to care for the entire machine, not only a few parts. The complex mechanics of that machine require a runner to be strong from their head to their toes. Today I explore why building strength outside of the run is a vital tool to becoming a better runner.AUM,Jarod ContrerasSupport Touching the Touching the Trail:touchingthetrail.comTouching the Trail Weekly: