Mind Revolution

5 Money Patterns Keeping You in the Poor House



The principle thing that keeps us from the money that we want are the beliefs and the patterns that we're running unconsciously.  In my experiences with my clients, there are certain beliefs and patterns that show up over and over again. These patterns are bad for your bottom line. They’ll keep you stuck in your financial comfort zone, or worse, they can send you to the poorhouse.  The five detrimental money patterns I most commonly see are the following. Can you spot them and their effects in your life? Complaining about money. Complaining about the price of gas, complaining that money is so hard to come by, complaining that you’re broke, complaining that finances are stressful, complaining that money comes and goes so quickly…It’s all negative.  One of your unconscious mind’s very important jobs is to protect you. If something is perceived as negative, as bad, as stressful, your unconscious mind is going to try to keep that stressful stuff at bay. Really.  Complaining? Just stop that. It never solves anyt
