
Eating Pistachios



http://whogottheaux.comWelcome back to WGTA!! Subscribe leave a comment and Rate!! Intro/Outro Songs: Jullian (Mr. Scott's Neighborhood) http://soundcloud.com/jullian100 Apple Playlist - https://itunes.apple.com/us/playlist/wgta-eating-pistachios-ep-31/pl.u-4JommeDIm62AAl  Spotify Playlist - https://open.spotify.com/user/kendal.ushijima/playlist/1WL5Rgt6UXKQJlOLhdVmdc?si=y9_0ttNiSw-JoyySqFsF2Q&nd=1 Album Review - Kodak Black "Dying to Live" What's good what's good. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! you filthy animals. I hope once everyone is done forcing themselves around family, they isolate themselves like normal and listen to us!! Haha. We're joking, kind of. Thanks again for supporting us this year as we wrap up a productive podcasting year. We hope to have put you guys on to new music. Also that we were able to make you guys laugh. This episode there's music from NBDY, A CHAL, JID, Raveena and much more! Also tune in ladies for our pistachio tutorial!! Hope you enjoyed this episode and again don'