
Wu-Tang Tribe Day



http://whogottheaux.com Welcome back to WGTA!! Subscribe leave a comment and Rate!! Intro Song: Jullian (Mr. Scott's Neighborhood)/http://soundcloud.com/jullian100 Apple Playlist - https://itunes.apple.com/us/playlist/wgta-ep-26-wu-tang-tribe-day/pl.u-yZyVVertqjA33o Spotify Playlist - https://open.spotify.com/user/kendal.ushijima/playlist/5ZwMPfe49Xks2qXoXxj9WD?si=8dyEAQVMSUaZsvvvT8H_gA What's good what's good. Happy Wu-Tang Tribe Day!!! The WGTA crew created a new holiday in respect of A Tribe Called Quest and the Wu-Tang Clan. If it already exists, then we will give no credit. This episode featured music from THEY, Lucky Daye and Takeoff. Also Jullian and Jylon do an album review on the new Takeoff album "The Last Rocket." Jylon also gives a tutorial on what is "The Shocker" and how it's performed.... even for left handed people! Hope you enjoyed this episode and again don't forget to subscribe to receive notifications on new episodes and give us a rating to help build the show. Also leave a comme