
Who Sampled? (HBD Jullian!)



http://whogottheaux.com Welcome back to WGTA!! Subscribe leave a comment and Rate!! Intro Song: Jullian (Mr. Scott's Neighborhood)/http://soundcloud.com/jullian100 Apple Playlist - https://itunes.apple.com/us/playlist/wgta-who-samples-ep-16/pl.u-06oxxYguoB388m Spotify Playlist - https://open.spotify.com/user/kendal.ushijima/playlist/3S5UWbhKeTPQfgKditxiBm?si=kZnJc72GTFibzUizj-iPXg What's good what's good. Somebody is celebrating a birthday this weekend (Jullian), but the fellas showed up to give the people what they want before they head out. This episode the WGTA crew wanted to scratch the surface on some of your favorite songs and origins of the samples they used. While some of you may catch on from the jump, there are a few that may take you for a surprise! The guys wanted to drive home the point of how a producer can hear something and think of a whole different song to blend it with. Very interesting show! Hope you enjoyed this episode and again don't forget to subscribe to receive notification