
Surviving Aids, It's like Magic



http://whogottheaux.com Welcome back to WGTA!! Subscribe leave a comment and Rate!! Intro Song: Jullian (Mr. Scott's Neighborhood)/http://soundcloud.com/jullian100 Apple Playlist - https://itunes.apple.com/us/playlist/wgta-surviving-aids-its-like-magic-ep-13/pl.u-MDAWWlJFqalVVd Spotify Playlist - https://open.spotify.com/user/kendal.ushijima/playlist/5iztIpRHqrF1iJr36Ip3lE?si=uga8l1J_QHy_smyz_asQ2w&nd=1 What's good what's good. This episode our boy Jylon is on his way overseas to spread the WGTA seed.......... ahem. Of course the crew takes no days off so Kendal and Jullian delivers another episode filled with dope music. From the rip the guys touch on Lebron's school, the Hall of Fame game and how dope The Internet's album "Hive Mind" is. (It really is!) Also Jullian preps for his camping trip in Mexico. Hope you enjoyed this episode and again don't forget to subscribe to receive notifications on new episodes and give us a rating to help build the show. Also leave a comment with song suggestion