Talking Sobriety

#8 | Greg Hannley of SOBA RECOVERY & checking in with Calab Wyatt.


Synopsis This episode I speak with someone I truly look up to in Recovery, Mr. Greg Hannley. He is the owner and creator of SOBA RECOVERY centers nationwide, with one hell of a story from being an addict to changing his life around and then creating one of the biggest rehab centers around from his garage. I also check in with Calab Wyatt who was on one of my first shows and in the lowest point of his life due to his drug addiction. With some motivation from coming on this podcast and Ron, owner of NEW ORIGINS rehab who got him to his rehab center, Calab now has one big smile and is free from his addiction for today. Anyone can beat their drug or alcohal addiction and I do this podcast too show you that it can be done!