Talking Sobriety

#6 | Horrible week for the 805; Talk with Ron Honn & his rehab New Origins IOP; Along with chatting with FMXer Andy Morgan on how he got his life back from his addicton.


Synopsis Its been a rough week in my area where I live with a mass shooting at Boarder Line, a place we grew up going there for good times followed by some of the worst fires in Californias history. My heart and prayers go out to all those who were affected and to those we lost. We talk with Ron Honn about his rehab he started after getting sober and hear his story on how he did it. He got Calab Wyatt, our past guest into his rehab as I type this and will be checking in with him weekly to see the transformation of getting sober if he stays with it. We also talk with former FMXer Andy Morgan and his unique story on how he got sober and is now living a good life.