Love Is Medicine

036: The Truth About Birth Control w/ Dr. Jolene Brighten



Many of us know the hormonal birth control pill as a fix to common issues many women face such as irregular periods, acne, painful cramps, and more. But the potentially dangerous side effects of birth control, paired with our misunderstanding and lack of knowledge surrounding these prescriptions, have caused chaos in many women's bodies. Dr. Jolene Brighten acknowledged the need to do more research and has since started asking the tough questions to fight for women's autonomy over her own body. A functional naturopathic doctor, nutritional biochemist and author of Beyond the Pill, Dr. Jolene Brighten is here to drop some major knowledge on the ‘pill to fix every ill’ and why you should be trying to fix your hormones without birth control. Learn ways to recover your nutrient storage and gut health, which areas of the body hormonal birth control affects the most, and habits that you can develop to support your body through post birth control syndrome. Women are often dismissed or misdiagnosed when presenting sy