Love Is Medicine

033: Loving Yourself To Mind-Body Health w/ Dr. Benjamin Alter



Just like when we bruise a knee or break a bone, your mind has the ability to heal itself in the same way your body does. So why as a society have we been conditioned to believe that healing is an external thing, something that does not exist inside of us? Dr. Benjamin Alter recognized this flawed logic and created Alter Health with his wife Susanna, to help their patients be reintroduced to the amazing healing powers of our own conscious. By honoring the bodies innate ability to heal itself and evolving your diet and lifestyle practices to tune into your body-mind awareness, Dr. Benjamin believes that you can reconnect to the eternal trust of your body and experience a greater sense of wholeness. When viewing your physical symptoms as blocks that come between you and your healing path, you can trust your body to move through these expressions with ease. On this episode, Dr. Benjamin shares his incredibly pure view of naturopathic medicine, how to cease your toxic and destructive behaviors through forgiveness