Happy Healthy Minds Podcast With Sarah Swanton

Ep41 Creating Content Consistently: How To Get Out Of Your Own Way



Would you like to be much more consistent when it comes to creating content? As a mindset coach to entrepreneurs and small business owners, the conversation I frequently hear is this: "I know I should be writing blogs/recording videos/being more active on social media, but I just can't seem to get going with it. Help!" The good news is, everyone has the ability to 'get going' with it, but when you're not there yet, it feels incredibly frustrating (and worrying), because if there's one thing we all know as creators of our own income, money comes when we get visible to people. In this podcast, I am going to address what gets in the way when it comes to creating and sharing content online. This podcast is brought to you by www.sarahswanton.com
