Beyond The Mood Board

Reimagining Creativity // Tasha Harrison



You can start a business from anywhere, selling almost anything. And while these opportunities are no longer reserved for the 1%, being an entrepreneur tends to put a burden on our creative process, making us feel like we have to monetize everything we do.    I invited my friend, Tasha L. Harrison, to the show to talk about how she defines creativity. Tasha is a romance and erotica author, freelance editor, and a creative entrepreneur dedicated to helping new and aspiring word makers become authors. With these titles, I assumed she has the key to unlocking creativity. And while she’s got some great tips, I learned that none of us are immune to the struggles that go along with putting our work out into the world.   In this episode we discuss: What it means to be creative; The need for enjoyment above productivity; Why you should be asking for feedback; How to test your ideas; Getting past the overwhelm of getting started; and Showing up and showing support to others.   And if you’re into Game of Thrones, yea