Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast

Episode 13: Stress



•Welcome back to another episode of Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast. As you all know I am your host, Natasha Lalwani, and I will be presenting to you another emotion we tend to feel quite often but many times do not know how to deal with, and that is stress•Stress forms a vital aspect of our lives as it influences our thought patterns and behaviors, at times making us react in an unwanted manner•In fact, stress is quite a debatable topic as it is not only bad but even good because it gives an adrenaline rush and pushes a person to create a certain action instead of procrastinating over it. However, one should use stress only to boost the desired results rather than suffer from a burnout•So before you reach the burnout point, begin to control your stress. Yes, you heard me right! We all can learn how to control our stress by firstly recognizing our symptoms of stress. It might seem difficult at times as most of us don’t even realize that we are undergoing stress, until we fall sick and then ponder on wha