Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast

Episode 10: Anxiety



Anxiety consists of unpleasant feelings of distress, uneasiness, stress, apprehension, and nervousness. Thoughts of uncertainty and worry take over you, resulting in difficulty to concentrate and rememberAccording to the statistics, 40 million people suffer from anxiety disorders every year just in the United StatesYou might ask yourself, what causes anxiety and why is it predominant among so many people todayIf we refer to author and confidence coach, Jeff Spires, who has written a very informative blog on my website, he refers to our brain as the reptilian brain having the fear response system which is responsible for our base instincts. Its job is to help us survive by activating the fight, flight or freeze strategy. Which strategy is applied by which person is dependent on various factors that will be discussed in another episodeWhen we are in the flight or freeze mode, a certain fear causes us to move away from that challenge. Whereas when we use the fight strategy, we are hyper-focuses and want to figh