Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast

Episode 3: An Interview With Danielle Martins on Mental Slavery



Welcome back to Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged. This is your host Natasha Lalwani. As promised to you, in today’s episode, we will discuss various mind-blowing insights with reputed co-author and transformational coach, Danielle Martins.Natasha: You, Danielle were raised in poverty and underwent a lot of mental assassination which continued and formed your beliefs. If you look back, what would you change and how would you change it so that other people know how to handle such a situation?Danielle: Well, this is an interesting question for it brings to the table something that a lot of people are missing today: The importance of being grateful for who you are.I wouldn't really change anything. Yes, there was a time in my life that I would have wished things were different but in fact, I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't endured so many difficulties in my past. I am not saying that I am happy that I had to go through all the things I had to in my youth, but we all have some negative past experiences,