Rich Man In Training -the Entrepreneur's - Podcast

Why My SELLING is Better than Yours!



Mario Martinez Jr. CEO and Founder of Vengreso the #1 Social Sells Training Platform in the World gives us these nuggets:1. How to price yourself to get the most money2. Why selling is so important for all Entrepreneurs to know how to do and understand3. How to leverage LinkedIn to generate more leads. Mario spent 83 consecutive quarters in B2B Sales and Leadership. He is one of 20 sales influencers invited to appear in the Salesforce documentary film “The Story of Sales” launched in 2018.  He was also named 2019’s Top 10 Sales Influencers by The Modern Sales Magazine, 2018’s Top 25 Most Influential Inside Sales Professional and Selling Power Magazine’s 2018 Top Sales Training and Coaching Consultant.  Mario is the host of the popular Selling With Social Podcast.