Rich Man In Training -the Entrepreneur's - Podcast

Success Hacks for New Entrepreneurs



Episode 5 is with Special Guest Alex Dee (Mr. Success Hacks) himself giving us 4 essential Success Hacks to condition you for success and the 3 Success Hacks that helped him and his students generate over $30 Million Online. Alex Dee Bio: Entrepreneur – Success Maker – World ImpactorAlex grew up middle class and believed that getting a good education would be able to provide him the American dream.   After getting hired and fired in the same week after graduating college, he decided to turn into the world of entrepreneurship and his journey has been filled with lots of both successes and lessons learned along the way!  With a background in network marketing, investing, financing, and real estate, Alex both made and lost a lot of money!  It was only 4 years ago when he decided to move to California from Texas to pursue his dreams after attending a Tony Robbins event!  With only $462, he moved in with his mom and from a one bedroom condo above he