How To Instructional Podcast On The Tech Podcast Network

PowerPress and Community Podcast: Stephane Deschenes – The Naturist Living Show PI-156



No shortage of podcasting news and tips this week on Podcast Insider. Including an interview with Stephane Deschenes from The Naturist Living Show, Mike and Todd discuss multiple podcasting events, the Webby Award show, and mic technique. Not all mics are created equal and it’s important to master the one that you’re using for your podcast. If you’re looking for some basic podcasting tips and practices, take a look at our blog, for some help. Thanks for joining us on this episode of Podcast Insider. Interview: Stephane Deschenes – The Naturist Living Show (NSFW) News: What gear do podcasters use? The folks at Podcast Host answered this question. It’s Webby Award season! Submit your podcast – the early entry deadline is October 25, 2019. A YouTube ‘podcast network’ We’re not against this, but we certainly don’t think the terminology is correct. Best Practices: Say it with us: quiet recordings are better recordings. When you start with a clean recor