Edtech By Marketscale

Helping English Language Learners Succeed with Jami Herbst and Julie Robinson of Istation



In states like California, up to 20 percent of students are English Language Learners, but we're not just talking about Spanish. ELLs speak 150 different languages in the U.S., and teachers find it challenging to navigate the learning landscape. Today on the EdTech Podcast, brought to you by MarketScale, host Daniel Litwin sat down with two education experts from Dallas-based Istation to discuss the nuances and best practices of quality English Language Learning: Jami Herbst, customer success professional development manager, and Julie Robinson, bilingual professional development specialist. Some school districts in more urban and suburban environments have ELL-specific classes, whereas rural areas may place ELLs in the general classroom. That's a challenge for both the students and the teachers who are not trained or certified in this specialty of education. "It's just as stressful for the teacher as it is for the student," Julie said. "As teachers, we should remember that each child brings something with th