Tg Geeks - The Two Gay Geeks

TG Geeks Webcast Episode 230



The Two Gay Geeks chat with filmmakers, Sarah Jayne Portelli and Ivan Malekin of Nexus Production Group. They have a rather unique approach to making films that you may find fascinating, we certainly did. With each interview we learn something new and develop new relationships with those that we interview. Have a listen and enjoy.   About Sarah Jayne Portelli Sarah Jayne started her film and television career as a Production Designer in 2006. She has worked on numerous short films in various art department roles and with Australian industry heavyweights including Princess Pictures and The Boilermaker Pty Ltd. Sarah Jayne's feature film credits include the critically acclaimed Taj, the one and only Dace Decklan: Private Eye, Oddball starring Shane Jacobson, The Subjects by Instinct Entertainment, and Choir Girl by NPG and Golden Gate Productions. When not immersed in the world of film, Sarah enjoys critical and creative writing, her work appearing in Huffington Post, Feminartsy, and Daily Life Mag