Ready To Launch

How Reading Her First Self-Development Book Led Her to Become A Boss Bitch Entrepreneur | Mimi Bouchard from the MIMIBEE Podcast



In this episode with Mimi Bouchard, she shares how she went from borrowing money from her parents and working in a juice bar to now becoming a successful entrepreneur. Mimi creates online courses and hosts the Mimibee podcast among other business ventures at just 23. She talks about dropping out of uni after reading her first self-development book, how she moved to London, mastered her health by changing her mindset around food and seriously limiting alcohol, and networked her way into different opportunities all the while creating an online brand. A big topic in this episode is all about how things spiral, or snowball. Healthy habits, mindsets and great outcomes all feed off each other. It's interesting to hear Mimi's story on how she got the momentum going for Mimibee, and where that's taken her today. We also talk about the importance of cutting out toxic friendships/relationships and choosing wisely the people you surround yourself with, as that has so much to do with where you'll find yourself down the l