Javascript to Elm

Out of the Wilderness



CFP for Elm-Conf You have sometime to get a proposal in. I’d love to hear what you have to say about your latest Elm or functional related adventures. I’ve submitted one of a couple of my ideas, I encourage you to do the same. Lost in Routing if you listened last week, and were a bit confused, you are not alone. I too am trying to unlearn a lot of habits good and bad that I baked into my mental model of an SPA. Prop passing is muscle memory at this point, and I’m having a hard time not picturing the model of my application that way. First things first - THROW OUT THE COMPONENTS NAMED FILE Better? cool. Let’s start again. Views are functions, they are composable together. I am not entirely sure what _main was referencing in the components file. And it’s even harder to google something for which you don’t have a name to describe it with. Back to basics Understanding what FRP is? Goals for today, what is FRP First order FRP Elm Intro Jeremy Fairbanks Model -> View -> Update View is a reflection o
