Ready To Launch

Make Your Individuality Your Asset | Calling Out Comparison Fatigue | Hayley Luckadoo Females on Fire Podcast, Motivational Speaker and Growth Coach



In this heartwarming episode with Hayley Luckadoo, serial entrepreneur, motivational speaker, host of the Females on Fire podcast, and co-owner of Luckadoo Media (where she coaches girls in their professional growth and scale) we talk about the qualities and habits that she sees moves the needle the most for girls in their careers, and when building their online brands. We also get into what she sees hold her girls back the most, what mindsets are toxic for expansion and what daily habits get in the way of both enjoying the growth process and being able to see tangible success short-term and longterm. We also get into whether or not it is good to pay attention to other people in the same type of field as you, should we compare ourselves and our work ethic to gauge how hard we are working? We also get into whether or not a little bit of guilt is good in the stages of trying to grow a business. Does it help to propel your forward or is this just a toxic mindset? I also share the eye-opening dream I had the othe