Whats Happening Ashtabula County

Episode 21: Financial Fitness Fair



Episode 20 was our most listened to yet! Lets see if James Mayer and Bryce Heinbaugh can continue the momentum! This Saturday is the Financial Fitness Fair at Kent State Ashtabula. Sessions at this year’s Financial Fitness Fair will include: Budgeting & Debt Management, Social Security & Taxes, A Conversation on Addiction; The Financial and Emotional Costs, Understanding Your 401(k) Plan, Tax Law Changes and Implications, Retirement Strategies for Women, The State of the Economy & Markets, Medicare, Affording College and Student Loans, Predatory Lending, & Financial Fraud, and Getting Hired & Getting Promoted. Andrew and Angel are both off this week so two regulars take over the studio. Trevor Sprague and Greg Church hold down the fort and get froggy. You aren't going to want to miss it!