Ready To Launch

Growing Her Youtube to +550,000 Subscribers (Exponential Growth) + Why She Doesn't Manifest Anymore | COCO LILI



I spoke with Coco Lili, Youtuber and entrepreneur on how she grew her youtube channel to more than 550,000 subscribers in fewer than five years! Perfect timing since she will be launching her course soon on how to launch and grow your youtube channel in present day. Offline, I had a talk with Coco about why she left the new age. I went into the interview asking about how her spirituality has guided her throughout her career, and to get her take on the usual new age rhetoric—manifestation, zodiac, twin flames, etc. However, she told me that she recently completely stopped partaking in all of these practices as she is now a believer in God and doesn't feel that participating in a lot of the common new age practices is fulfilling. "It's like a drug" she said. "It feels good to accomplish something but then it always leaves you wanting more." If you guys want to hear this part of the episode, just let me know and I will post! I have a pretty long intro regarding my take on all of this. I really appreciate the pla