Beyond The Mood Board

36: Customizing Your Experience With Client Gifts // Torrance Hart



Your customer experience is what will turn happy clients into referral machines. Torrance Hart of Teak & Twine shares how we can include personal touches throughout our engagements with purposeful client gifting.   The art of a handwritten note has been all but lost in the busyness of our days and instant gratification that comes with digital messaging. While our customers are looking for results, being thoughtful enough to send gratitude, connect personally, and keep their experience front of mind is what will take our brands from ordinary to stand-out.   On this episode, Torrance and I chat about: Recognizing when you’re limiting yourself, The benefits of starting small, Investing in your business strategically, Paying attention to what your audience is asking for, and The one thing your customers will swoon over (that costs NOTHING).   Visit Pattern of Purpose for show notes and links to resources mentioned on this episode.