Wake Up Bainbridge

247 - Return of the Review, Kinda | Slow Days at C.O.B.I. and WUB Holiday Survival Guide



Episode 247 - Return of the Bainbridge Island Review, Kinda | Slow Days at C.O.B.I. and WUB Holiday Survival Guide. Good customer care at BaSa @basabirestaurant; a Proper Fish special on December 3rd -- where Richard goes into the kitchen Netflix style and learns what it takes to provide the excellence one gets when they eat at Proper Fish. The early reports are good for Matilda:The Musical @BPAonline and looks to be a holiday must for Islanders and their guests. https://www.bainbridgeperformingarts.org/…/matilda-the-musi… Wake Up Bainbridge! Holiday Survival Guide is launching next week. Episode 247 is brought to you by Outcome Athletics the home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.