Dare To Listen, The Podcast

4th - How we Know what we Know - with Ryan Ballew



This is the fourth in the multi-part 'How we Know what we Know' series. Nameh has gathered a number of voices who have engaged with this inviting spiritual exploration.     Today's guest, Ryan Ballew joins Nameh offering how he's come to know what he knows. Ryan is finishing Denver's Center for Spiritual Living's Chaplin program. You may remember Ryan from an early Dare to Listen episode, Thoughts on a Good Death.   Ryan shares about his early spiritual experiences, how Ryan had an understanding of himself and the world yet through exploring books and conversations with others he came to better articulate his knowings. How being with the unknown can bring it's own magic. Embracing the path, even when it's not clear where it will lead, can take time to feel rooted in one's spiritual home. How the importance of everyone's unique route to spirituality is key.     Resources:  Louise Hay  Science of Mind, book  Center for Spiritual Living, Denver  Thoughts on a Good Death - earlier show featuring Ryan Balle