Geeks Interrupted

ABC Shop Closures, Twitter Deleting Stolen Jokes & The Great Australian TV Delay | Episode 116



Phil Edwards, Andy Blume and Daniel Olivares are back in the studio with this week's look at all things Geek. Show Notes: Labor to rethink support for data retention [The Age] ABC to close its shops across Australia in favour of push towards online retail [Brisbane Times] How GST changes, drop in dollar raise online shopping prices for Australians [The Age] Optus suffers major mobile network outage in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania [The Age] iiNet shareholders vote in favour of TPG Telecom merger [The Age] Twitter just removed your homepage wallpaper, and people are furious [Mashable] Twitter Is Using Copyright Law To Bust Joke Thieves [Gizmodo Australia] No Humans Allowed! Test 'City' for Driverless Cars Opens [Live Science] Uber Drivers Will Get Away With Sexual Assault [Taxi Council QLD] Apple Reports Q3 2015 Earnings of $10.7B on $49.6B Revenue: 47.5M iPhones, 10.9M iPads, 4.8M Macs [MacRumors] 5 worrisome stats from Apple's Q3 earnings report [VentureBeat] Bobbi Kristina Brown loses fight for life in echoes