Geeks Interrupted

Episode #97: 9th March 2015



Phil Edwards, Andy Blume and Daniel Olivares are back in the studio with this week's look at all things Geek. Show Notes: Guy Sebastian to represent Australia at Eurovision Song Contest [ABC News] Virgin Mobile to offer Australian first with data rollover [Techly] Telstra offers customers access to metadata for $25 [iTnews] London hospital prank: High Court backs authority's power to find 2Day FM radio presenters broke law [ABC News] Matt & Bruno: The Probe [iTunes] 'Worst app ever': Centrelink, Medicare apps slammed as 'truly awful' [Canberra Times] Charity money promised by 'inspirational' health app developer Belle Gibson not handed over [The Age] Fat-shamed Dancing Man to party with Moby, with Pharrell Williams' support [SMH] uTorrent Quietly Installs Cryptocurrency Miner, Users Complain [TorrentFreak] EA Shuts Down SimCity Developer Maxis [Kotaku] Fridge caught sending spam emails in botnet attack [CNET] WordPress Wins $25,000 From DMCA Takedown Abuser [TorrentFreak] What to expect at Apple's 'Sprin