Geeks Interrupted

Episode #44: 9th December 2013



Phil Edwards, Andy Blume and Daniel Olivares are back in the studio with this week's look at all things Geek. Show Notes: One gigabit available on NBN this month [SMH] Australia's last remaining analogue TV transmitters switched off [ABC] New USB Type-C connector is smaller, reversible, supports USB 3.1 [Ars Technica] Meltdown: Bitcoin Crashes To $US576 [Business Insider] Delivery drones are coming: Jeff Bezos promises half-hour shipping with Amazon Prime Air [The Verge] Facebook Considers Adding a 'Sympathize' Button [The Atlantic] Apple's App Store Hits One Million Apps in the United States [Mac Rumors] Apple begins using iBeacons at all its 254 US retail stores [AppleInsider] Chekov returns in this trailer for 'Star Trek: Renegades' fan project [The Verge] Chris Lilley confirms the return of Jonah as BBC leaks details first [The Drum] 'Fast & Furious' actress Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman in 'Man Of Steel 2' [NME] Something we mentioned in the show but missing in the Show Notes? Let us know via our