Sts Podcast With Silverbax

Bryan SilverbaX Show #86 Friend project updates



Friends of the show have all kinds of projects going on and in this installment JR and I talk about some of the projects. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP.  Paul Maitland  Ben Wheeler Jason Rennie Doug Hoppes Pathway project Richard Ankney Rick Roll America Mike Lancette Masters of the Edge About Time Comics Jason Chastain Retro Review Fanboy Collectibles and Comics Cartersville Comic Con Mario Ceasar Luke Stone Hybrids: The Sons of Gods  Jordan Howard 21 GhostxGhost anime Save the North Star Adam Morgan Opinions and Beer Bobby Nash  Matt Knowles Tales From Nocurnia Brent Johnston Matty P Chris Edward The Six Swords Shadows of Ourselves Jason Flowers       JR on Instagram JR on DeviantArt Bryan SilverbaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX o