Wholesale Nation Podcast

Show #30: John Martinez - The King of Real Estate sales training Industry



Welcome to the Wholesale Nation Podcast! This show is geared to helping the new and experienced real estate wholesaler grow their business. On today's episode, Undrea and Andy interview John Martinez. Key Takeaways: How John Martinez started in the sales training Industry Dropped out of collage, started selling Insurance by commission It took 10-15 years till he finally launched his business What you should be looking for in a sales person who you are looking to hire? The DNA Vs. The Skillset Sales person The difference between cycometric assortments and Normal assortments Disc & objective management What should a sales person who is trying to buy over the phone do differently. You should be a better listener than a speaker when buying over the phone Building rapport upfront is easier when buying belly to belly than over the phone How the sales team can get a person to sign a contract without bringing in any attorneys Increasing (CVR) conversion rates when buying over the phone What Investors do differen
